St Andrew's Churchyard - Waste Management Policy


Bristol Parks Service collects most of our green waste, which comprises woody pruning and invasive plants such as bramble, solidago, burdock and 3 cornered leeks. We generate about 2 dumpy bags of waste a week. The full dumpy bags are hung on the railings underneath the huge Copper Beech. Lesley emails our Council contact to alert him that the bags are full and ready for collection. We check the bags daily and as soon as we see they have been emptied, we remove them from the railings and store them in our gardening black bin. If we do not reach them in time there is a risk they might be taken.



We aim to recycle some waste on site, storing it mostly along a section of the high east wall (Royal Mail on the other side).

  • Branch pruning and blown down branches are sawn up into short lengths and added to small piles which are left up along main walls or taken to the main woody waste store by the east wall.
  • Leaves (deciduous only) are put in our leaf compost bin which is currently situated by the east wall.


Working Practices

  •  It is VERY important to separate waste as we work, according to where we will put it for disposal.
  • Leave time at the end of a session to deal with waste, 15 - 20 minutes seems adequate.


We aim to ensure the area looks tidy and well-managed when we finish a work session.


Lesley Woodward 19/3/23 revised 29/7/24